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Changes to my study programme

  Changes to my study programme I study design, and If I could make a change to my study program would be organize better the schedule, I am very comfortable with my subjects at the moment, but they are bad distributed, for example one day I have classes all day, about 10 hours and the next day just one class of 2 hours, and it´s a little bit irritating, because I end up so exhausted by the schedule, It would be nice If those hours are better distributed, like 5 hours per day. About faculty facilities There are some obvious problems in FAU that affect me, like we don’t have a cafeteria and it’s really annoying, there are some days that I can’t even find one table to eat with my friends so I end up sitting in the floor, and the shared work room, that is equipped with specials tables to work its always full, so I don’t really have the opportunity to use them. Use of technology In my career we use a lot of digital programs, and sadly the university doesn´t give us the programs fo

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