My dream Job

My dream job 

My dream job woul be being an designer specialized in illustration, drawing is one of my greatest passion, so if I can dedicate myself to it I would be very happy. More concrete I would love to made a childen´s story book from right to the start, I really like that kind of books, because I use to have one when I was a kid and I read it to my brother every night. 

Anyway about the book, as I said, I would do everything from the beginning, but first I need the knowledge for that, that´s why I am thinking about taking a graphic desing major, or maybe a Integral desing major, in that way I could learn about editorials, type of papers, a ideal size for the book, what types of color suits better, typographs(fonts), and of course more about illustration.

About the salary, I dont care too much, because it´s more like a goal, a dream, something that I would do for my own satisfaction, and the desire to fullfil a dream. But from dreams you can´t eat, so, If I work in a Project that requires me to make illustrations, I would be more than happy, also something that sounds realy cool is working for a recipe book, but that´s another story. :) 


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