Time Travel

Time travel to the past

If I could time travel I would choose go to the past, maybe go to the future would give me a super incredible experience that I could never imagine like in the movie “back in the future” with flying cars or teleportation, but for this time I prefer go to the past, to experience with my own eyes how the things work, and of course for the pretty clothing.

I wouldn´t go to a specific time, otherwise I prefer to go to diferent places in the contemporary age (that goes from the XVIII to XXI centuries), to experience different views and have fun. One of first periods of time that I would like to visit would be the victorian era, If I go there I would use a pretty pompous dress, with the maximum amount of accesories that you can imagine, and I would asist to one of those dance that rich people in that time use to go, and thoses picnics that look like a painting.

Then I would jump to the XVIII centurie when the romanticist movement start, and one of my favorites periods in terms of art and literature, of course it would be too difficult to meet an artist or a writer, and honestly I would be to shy to talk to them, but this is a fictional scenario so I would ask about everything.


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